P. 494
Monthly average income per capita is calculated by dividing the total
income of households in a reference year by their headcounts on average of
12 months. Household income is the total amount and value in kind received
by households and members less production costs in a given period, usually
one year.
Monthly average = Total annual income of households : 12
income per capita Total population
Household income is the total amount of money and value of assets
after deducting production costs that the household and its members receive
in a certain period, usually 1 year.
Poverty rate is the ratio of the number of people or households whose
income (or expenditure) per capita fall below the poverty line among total
surveyed population and households.
Poverty line refers to the average revenue (or expenditure) per capita
used as a standard to evaluate a poor person or a household. Those whose
income (or expenditure) beneath the poverty line is considered poor
Food poverty line measured as value of a basket of food and foodstuff
needed to provide a person with 2100 Kcal a day.
General poverty line is the sum of food poverty line and minimum
expense for non-food, i.e. house, clothes, furniture, studying, recreation,
health care, transportation, and telecommunication, etc.
Multi-dimensional poverty households: Multi-dimesional approached
poverty households are households whose monthly average income per
capita is at or below income-based poverty line (welfare poverty line) and
deprives of at least 3 indices for measuring deprivation of access to basic
social services. The multi-dimensional poverty line is defined upon two
criteria: Income-based criteria and basic social services based criteria,
specifically as follows: